Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Train journey...

Train journey through Deepor BeelCrossing Deepor Beel ( Lake) , Guwahati, Assam
Photography from 05804  GHY-NBQ PASSENGER SPL Train
Location :
Deepor Beel, Guwahati, Assam
[ Be Safe, Together We Can]
Linking to : My Corner of the World, Linking to : Wednesday around the World
Linking to : Wordless Wednesday


s.c said...

Nice shot with that bend in the view.

roentare said...

A beautiful and lovely bay

Aimz said...

Some really pretty scenery to see along the way.

Amy Johnson said...

Looks like that would be a nice train ride. I've never seen train tracks so close to water before. Visiting from Wordless Wednesday.

Tom said...

...I love the shot out of the train.

Slabs said...

This shot of the train reminded me of a trip we as a family once did back in South Africa on the Blue Train.
Thanks so much for participating and sharing at #36 #WW (Words welcome). See you Wednesday at #37,