Friday, September 13, 2024

Sunset Serenity

Sunset over Mighty river Brahmaputra-Guwahati
“Every sunset is an opportunity to reset "
Sunset over Mighty river Brahmaputra....
[ Stay Safe, Together We Can]
This post is a part of a Sky Watch Friday, a great sky watchers community.
A place to enjoy skies and views from all around the globe.


magiceye said...

Lovely shot!

Jocelyn said...

Electric sky.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Gorgeous photo!

Aimz said...

liking the orange colours

roentare said...

The magical hour excellence

rupam sarma said...

@magiceye Thank you so much :)

@Jocelyn Glad you like, Thanks a lot :)

@Spare Parts and Pics Thanks a lot for your comment :)

@Aimz Thank you so much :)

@roentare Thanks for your words :)

Joyful said...

Beautiful, golden colour in your photo.