Thursday, May 23, 2024

Happy Buddha Purnima

Lord Buddha's Statue at Assam Buddha Vihar-Amingaon-North Guwahati-Assam

Lord Buddha's Statue at Assam Buddha Vihar-Amingaon-North Guwahati-Assam
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future,  
concentrate the mind on the present moment.”

সকলোলৈকে পৱিত্ৰ বুদ্ধ পূৰ্ণিমাৰ আন্তৰিক শুভেচ্ছা যাচিলোঁ ।
Greetings to everyone on the auspicious occasion of Buddha Purnima.
May the divine grace of Lord Buddha bless us all
with hopes for a better tomorrow and an enlightened life!

Lord Buddha's Statue at Assam Buddha Vihar,
Amingaon, North Guwahati, Assam,Inida

Linking to: 
Thankful Thursday
Linking to: Little Things Thursday
This post is a part of a Sky Watch Friday, a great sky watchers community.
A place to enjoy skies and views from all around the globe.


Tom said...

...a style Buddha that is new for me.

magiceye said...

Happy Buddha Purnima!

Joanne said...

A lovely sentiment to go with your lovely photos.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Wishing you a joyous day

roentare said...

The statues are lovely

Nanda kumar said...

Beautiful. Let peace be with the world

Jim said...


s.c said...

Sometimes you have to think a little ahead.

rupam sarma said...

@Tom Thank you so much _()_

@magiceye Thanks a lot _()_ Greetings

@ Joanne Thanks for your comment _()_

@Nanda kumar Thanks a lot _()_

@Jim Thank you so much _()_

@s.c Thanks for your comment _()_

Spare Parts and Pics said...

A beautiful statue!

Pooja Mahimkar said...

Concentrating on present is only so difficult

Photo Cache said...

What a great quote, although difficult to follow.

Worth a Thousand Words

Klara said...

the three rocks on the left look like a person (with a headdress) resting on the ground.

Michelle said...

This is beautiful to me. Thank you for sharing it and linking up.

Michelle said...

Wow, your flora is very beautiful. The heat can be tiring, I think, but many plants love it. Thank you for linking up.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

A beautiful post!!

rupam sarma said...

@Pooja Mahimkar Thanks for your comment _()_

@Klara Thanks for your words _()_

@Michelle Thank you so much _()_ Thanks a lot for hosting.

@Yogo Thank you so much _()_