Monday, April 9, 2018

Waiting for the train...

Indian Bloggers
I took the pic at my home town railway station.
Abhayapuri Railway Station ( in Bongaigaon District) Assam
Linking to : Our World Tuesday


Anonymous said...

A great picture composition, which again tells a little story on the edge. Thank you for pointing.

aditya said...

Nice ...😊😊

Lensq said...


ர. சோமேஸ்வரன் said...

Dear Rupam,

I am from south India, I love Assam and its culture very much. We people say that we have a great cultural background but after visiting Assam i realize our condition. People, landscape, culture, food habit, nature, Brahmaputra, Language, Padma Shri Jadav Payeng, arts, etc... i love and enjoy each and every bit of this state. And through your blog more places i am seeing without traveling.

ர. சோமேஸ்வரன் said...


Kay L. Davies said...

Wow, is that a blue train rushing by on the other track? Great photo...speed is often hard to capture. (And I love the colours of the saris.)
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love the speeding train as a blurred background against the colorful clothes.

Fun60 said...

Three people standing together but each one deep in thought.

Jyotirmoy Sarkar said...

Amazing capture.

Prakash Hegade said...

Oh, Nice. Nice capture.

joshi daniel said...

That looks great :)

rupam sarma said...

@smulan Glad you like, Thank you :)

@aditya Thanks a lot :)

@R.Someswaran Thank you so much for your words. Greetings from Assam _()_

@Kay L. Davies Yes, Thank you so much _()_

@ Yogi Glad you loved the shoot, Thanks :)

@ Fun60 Thanks a lot :)

@Jyotirmoy Sarkar Thanks a lot :)

Shilpa Garg said...

What an amazing shot!! Loved it!

pushpendra dwivedi said...

sharp vision waiting for train only

Lady Fi said...

Fabulous shot - love the colours and movement.

Lady Fi said...

Love love this shot.

rupam sarma said...

@Prakash Hegade Thanks a lot :)

@ joshi daniel Thank you so much :)

@ Shilpa Garg Glad you like. Thanks :)

@Pushpendra Dwivedi Thanks a lot :)

@Lady Fi Thanks for your words_()_

NatureFootstep said...

thumbs up for this one :) Love it!

Yogi Saraswat said...

Good One !!