We started our journey from zoo road, we took the route from zoo
tiniali towards Narengi, from there we went through 'panikheti' "Sankar
Madhav Hospital"(
http://www.downtowncharitytrust.org/Trustees.htm) its
a charity hospital of Down Town Hospital Guwahati situated at
panikheti..from there first we thought that we will end our trip till
there only due to low fuel in our bike..bt suddenly dnt knw wht
happened aftr having a chat with Dr.Vinayak Baruah (ENT specialist at
Sankar Madhav Hospital) a curiosity flowed in our mind to discover that
place to see whats there so special..and when we reached there the view
what we saw was "speechless"..guys i jst wnt to tell u that please do
visit this place..after that u will know the speciality of that place..
From Zoo Tiniali going towards Narengi to "Panikheti" its about 25 -
30kms so guys do visit that place and remember not to get there empty