Monday, June 20, 2022

Monday Mural- Kalaguru Bishnu Prasad Rabha

Kalaguru 'Bishnu Prasad Rabha'
 কলাগুৰু বিষ্ণুপ্ৰসাদ ৰাভাদেৱক , মৃত্যু দিৱসত গভীৰ শ্ৰদ্ধাৰে সুঁৱৰিছো
Remembering legend Kalaguru 'Bishnu Prasad Rabha' on his 53rd Death Anniversary (20th June)

( Bishnu Prasad Rabha was an Indian cultural figure from Assam, known for his contributions in the fields of music, dance, painting, literature as well as political activism. Considered a doyen of the Culture of Assam, the Assamese people affectionately call him Kalaguru (the master of the arts ). His death anniversary observed as "Rabha Divas " )

-Beautiful wall art by LEENART
An initiative by Guwahati Municipal Corporation ( GMC)
Location : Brahmaputra Riverside, Fancy Bazaar, Guwahati, Assam, India
[ Wear a Mask 😷  We shall overcome ]
Linking to : Monday Mural
Linking to : Through my lens

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  1. Nice mural to honour someone who seemed to have been quite involved in the arts community.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Rupam.

  2. Must have been an important and interesting person

  3. that's very interesting. He isn't well known here in the US.

    best... mae at

  4. Looks indeed like someone with a natural superiority over his environment.

  5. Sounds like he was a cultural icon. I've sadly never heard of him before.

  6. @Bertiebo Indeed, Thank you so much _()_

    @Mae Travels Glad you like, Thank you _()_

    @Bleubeard and Elizabeth Indeed, Thanks for your comment _()_

    @magiceye Thank you so much _()_

  7. Nice to know about Bishnu Prasad Rabha.
    Thank you for sharing that info and a picture of him, Rupam. :)

  8. @dee Nambiar Thank you so much for your words _()_


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