Marigold Flower

Few snaps of Marigold flower in Assamese we call it "Gendha" at my home during my visit to Abhayapuri.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Durga Puja in Kolkata

Here I upload few Photographs of Durga Puja Celebration of Kolkata.
Photography by my friend Akshita Paul { Thanks to Akshita }

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Durga Puja in Abhayapuri { Part I}

Here is a few snaps of Durga Puja Mondops of Abhayapuri which I took on Maha Aostomi Day (October 15).

Lipton Circus in Abhayapuri

On Durga Puja Mela in Gandhi Moidan, Abhayapuri, a small circus group called Lipton Circus is running their shows.Here is a few snaps of their performance.